Video gets 1200% more engagement than text and graphics COMBINED!

So why would you not only post videos?

You can, if you have a concept of what you are wanting to film, but for most businesses, they do not plan for their voice or audience.

Plus having everything be a video would be overkill.

So what type of video?

That would depend on your audience and your posting location. If you are big on Facebook, you probably want to consider that 85% of all videos on Facebook are watched without sound.

Probably don’t want your boss know that you are watching dogs and cats chase each other for part of your work day, or you don’t want to annoy the person next to you on the bus.

Either way, you should have a plan to take advantage of this powerful media type.

Consider the ROI!

Video drives 157% more organic traffic and that can be big. To be fair, if you are a business and you are selling to other businesses, this number may be a bit skewed to people getting hit in the nuts, but it still has great engagement versus other methods.

So if you are looking to improve social media engagement or organic search traffic, you may want to look at video as part of your marketing strategy.

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